The continuous commitment into research and development of new materials give the pace of innovation even in bathroom furnishing, offering to top companies the openness to new ideas and design possibilities. Among the leading manufacturers of bathroom furniture, Puntotre has always stood for the attention to the innovations, proposing solutions ahead of their time.
And this is the case of melamine materic 3D, an innovative material that was already presented in 2012 inside the model TIME, generating a great appreciation from our clients.
Nowdays, melamine 3D has evolved both in terms of functionality and aesthetic impact, giving to designers a new ally in the design solutions for more customizable bathroom furniture.
Synchronizing the drawing with the matrix of the foil, this material now faithfully reproduces the surface of various types of wood, offering to bathroom furniture a sensational tactile and visual effect .
The goal of aesthetic in Melamine is also accompanied by an increase in technical terms, with a guarantee of highest level of performance in the moist environment.